Starfield Puddle Glitch

This article is targeted at gamers who are playing Starfield and who are interested in learning more about the Starfield puddle glitch. It is also targeted at gamers who are looking for ways to resolve the glitch or avoid it.

Starfield Puddle Glitch

The Starfield puddle glitch is a bug in the game that allows players to access the inventory of a nearby store by interacting with a puddle. This glitch can be used to get unlimited credits and items, which can break the game balance.

Starfield Puddle Glitch: What It Is and How to Resolve It

To perform the puddle glitch, follow these steps:
  • Travel to Akila City on the planet Akila.
  • Find Shepherd's General Store, which is located on the left side of the city entrance.
  • To the right of the store entrance, there is a small puddle. Crouch down and stand in the puddle.
  • You should now see the inventory of Shepherd's General Store. You can take any items or credits you want without being penalized.
To reset the puddle glitch's inventory, simply wait 24 in-game hours.

Shepherds General Store Starfield

Shepherd's General Store is a great place to buy and sell a variety of items, including weapons, ammo, armor, resources, and food. It is also a good place to find quests and meet new characters.

Here is a more detailed guide on how to get to Shepherd's General Store:
  • Travel to the Cheyenne system.
  • Fly to the planet Akila.
  • Enter Akila City.
  • Follow the road to the left.
  • Shepherd's General Store will be on your left-hand side.

How to Resolve the Issue

  • The Starfield puddle glitch can be resolved by either avoiding it altogether or waiting for Bethesda to release a patch that fixes it.
  • If you want to avoid the puddle glitch, simply don't interact with the puddle in front of Shepherd's General Store.
  • If you're willing to wait for a patch, Bethesda has already acknowledged the puddle glitch and said that they are working on a fix.
More Tips
  • Here are some more tips for dealing with the Starfield puddle glitch: If you accidentally perform the puddle glitch, don't take any items or credits that you don't need. This will help to keep the game balance intact.
  • If you're concerned about the puddle glitch breaking the game for you, you can always start a new save file and avoid the puddle altogether.
  • Bethesda has a history of releasing patches for their games relatively quickly, so it's likely that the puddle glitch will be fixed soon.

Q: Is the puddle glitch cheating?
A: Whether or not the puddle glitch is cheating is a matter of opinion. Some people may argue that it is cheating to exploit a bug in the game to get an advantage. Others may argue that it is simply a clever way to get ahead.

Q: Can I use the puddle glitch to get rare items?
A: Yes, you can use the puddle glitch to get rare items. However, it is important to note that all of the items in the store's inventory will be available to you, regardless of rarity. This means that you can get rare items without having to work hard for them, which can take away from the challenge and satisfaction of the game.

Q: Can I use the puddle glitch to get unlimited credits?
A: Yes, you can use the puddle glitch to get unlimited credits. However, this can break the game balance and make the game less challenging. If you are looking for a challenge, it is best to avoid using the puddle glitch to get unlimited credits.


If you want to avoid the puddle glitch, simply don't interact with the puddle in front of Shepherd's General Store. If you're willing to wait for a patch, Bethesda has already acknowledged the glitch and said that they are working on a fix.
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