How to Use Pinterest for Blogging

How to Use Pinterest for Blogging: A Step-by-Step Guide for Optimal Results

How to Use Pinterest for Blogging


Pinterest is a game-changer for bloggers seeking to drive massive traffic to their websites. As a visual search engine with over 450 million active users, Pinterest offers immense potential to boost your blog's visibility and reach a wider audience. In this comprehensive step-by-step guide, we will explore the world of Pinterest for blogging, including all the essential settings, image size, style, and more. Let's uncover how Pinterest works and the numerous benefits it offers to bloggers.

In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about how to use Pinterest for blogging. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started or an experienced blogger aiming to boost your blog's reach, these actionable tips and strategies will help you make the most out of Pinterest.

Section 1: What is Pinterest for Blogging & Is It Worth It?

Pinterest is a visual discovery platform where users discover and save inspiring ideas through images or "pins." For bloggers, Pinterest provides a unique opportunity to showcase their content using visually appealing pins, driving traffic back to their blogs. With its evergreen nature, pins can circulate on the platform for months, ensuring a continuous stream of visitors to your blog. Pinterest is absolutely worth it for bloggers, as it has the potential to significantly boost website traffic, increase brand visibility, and attract a highly engaged audience.

Section 2: How Pinterest Works

Pinterest operates on a search-driven algorithm, making search engine optimization (SEO) critical. Users search for content using keywords, and Pinterest displays relevant pins based on their search terms. By optimizing your pins, boards, and profile for SEO, you increase the likelihood of your content being discovered by potential readers.

Section 3: The Benefits of Using Pinterest for Blogging

  • Massive Traffic Potential: Pinterest's user base presents a vast audience for bloggers to tap into and attract to their websites.
  • Evergreen Content: Unlike other social media platforms, pins have a longer lifespan, allowing your content to remain visible and drive traffic for an extended period.
  • Increased Brand Exposure: Pinterest helps bloggers build their brand and gain exposure within their niche.
  • Enhanced SEO: Pinterest can positively impact your blog's SEO, as pins that link back to your blog are considered valuable backlinks by search engines.
  • High Engagement: Pinterest users actively seek valuable content, resulting in high engagement rates for blog posts.

Section 4: Setting Up Your Pinterest Account

Step 1: Create a Business Account - Sign up for a Pinterest business account to access analytics and promotional features.

Step 2: Optimize Your Profile - Choose a professional profile photo, write a compelling bio with relevant keywords, and add a link to your blog.

Step 3: Enable Rich Pins: Rich pins provide more context about your content and enhance your pins' visibility. Enable them by adding relevant meta tags to your blog.

Section 5: Creating Compelling Pins

Step 1: Image Size and Style - Use vertical images with a 2:3 aspect ratio, as they perform best on Pinterest. Design visually appealing pins with high-quality images, bold text overlays, and branded colors to make them stand out.

Step 2: Pin Titles and Descriptions - Craft clear and captivating headlines in your pin titles, using relevant keywords for SEO. Write informative, keyword-rich pin descriptions to entice users to click through to your blog.

Section 6: Understanding Pinterest SEO

Step 1: Keyword Research - Utilize tools like Pinterest's search bar, Google Keyword Planner, or Ubersuggest to find relevant keywords for your niche.

Step 2: Board Names and Descriptions - Create keyword-optimized board names and descriptions to improve discoverability.

Section 7: Building SEO-friendly Boards

Step 1: Organize Boards Strategically - Create boards that represent different aspects of your niche. Be specific with board names to attract your target audience.

Step 2: Board Covers - Design appealing board covers that align with your brand and niche.

Section 8: Pinning Strategy

Step 1: Consistent Pinning - Pin regularly, multiple times a day, to keep your profile active and maintain engagement.

Step 2: Utilize a Scheduler - Use tools like Tailwind to automate your pinning schedule and reach a global audience.

Joining Group Boards

Group boards are collaborative boards where multiple users contribute pins. Joining niche-relevant group boards exposes your pins to a larger audience. Engage actively in these boards by sharing valuable content regularly.

Creating Blog-Related Infographics

Infographics are highly shareable on Pinterest. Convert your blog content into visually appealing infographics to increase engagement and drive traffic to your blog.

Using Pinterest Ads

Consider using Pinterest Ads to reach a broader audience and promote your blog. Pinterest offers various ad formats to suit your marketing goals.

Measuring Success with Pinterest Analytics

Regularly analyze your Pinterest performance through Pinterest Analytics. Track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and engagement rates to assess your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Staying Updated with Pinterest Trends

Pinterest continually evolves, introducing new features and trends. Stay informed about these changes and adapt your strategy accordingly to stay ahead of the curve.

Collaborating with Other Bloggers

Connect with fellow bloggers and collaborate on Pinterest projects. Co-create boards, host joint campaigns, and leverage each other's audiences for mutual benefits.

Repurposing Blog Content for Pinterest

Repurpose your blog content into different formats suitable for Pinterest. Transform articles into lists, tips, or step-by-step guides to cater to the platform's visual nature.

How much traffic can you get from Pinterest?

  • The amount of traffic you can get from Pinterest depends on a number of factors, including the quality of your content, how often you post pins, and how well you promote your pins. However, it is possible to get a significant amount of traffic from Pinterest.
  • According to a study by Blog Tyrant, some bloggers get up to 60,000 pageviews per month from Pinterest. And, in a case study by Supermetrics, a blogger saw a 61% increase in traffic to their blog after they started using Pinterest.
  • Of course, these are just a few examples. The amount of traffic you can get from Pinterest will vary depending on your specific blog and audience. However, if you're willing to put in the time and effort, Pinterest can be a great way to drive traffic to your blog.

Pinterest is a goldmine for bloggers looking to expand their reach and drive significant traffic to their websites. By understanding how Pinterest works, optimizing your account and pins for SEO, and consistently pinning engaging content, you can harness the power of this visual platform and witness remarkable results for your blog. Embrace Pinterest for blogging, and open the door to a world of endless opportunities and growth!


Q: How can I use Pinterest to drive traffic to my blog?
A: To drive traffic to your blog through Pinterest, optimize your profile, create appealing pins, join group boards, pin consistently, and engage with your audience.

Q: Can Pinterest really help in growing my blog's audience?
A: Absolutely! Pinterest's visual nature and large user base make it an excellent platform for reaching a broader audience and expanding your blog's reach.

Q: How often should I pin my blog content on Pinterest?
A: Pinning consistently is essential. Aim for at least 10-15 pins per day, spread out strategically throughout the day.

Q: What type of content performs best on Pinterest?
A: Visual content, particularly infographics, step-by-step guides, and lists, tends to perform exceptionally well on Pinterest.

Q: Is it worth investing in Pinterest Ads for blog promotion?
A: Pinterest Ads can be highly effective in promoting your blog and reaching a targeted audience. Consider it if it aligns with
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